Investment Grants

The Indiana Lions Foundation has within its endowment, funds that have been designated for specific purposes. The Indiana Lions Foundation funds only charitable work, is in making grants from these funds. We are most interested in making grants that meet that criteria of the various advised endowments.

The Foundation is currently seeking applications for grants in the various criteria areas. The endowment committee should receive the application for the grant for review. The applications are reviewed and final disposition of the application is based on the need for the grant. Determinations will be notified of the status of their application as soon as a decision is made by the endowment committee and the trustees of the foundation.

To apply offline, please Download and fill out the printable version.

Gary B. Burt Advised Endowment Fund


  1. To assist local Lions club in collecting eye glasses for distribution on mission trips.
  2. To provide funds to local Lions club to provide student scholarships to special camps and activities to qualified persons.
  3. To assist local Lions clubs in providing persons with student scholarships to Indiana State Police Lions Law Camp.
  4. To assist local Lions clubs in providing assistance to personas with medical needs.

Needs to be requested by a Lions club in good standing. Not more than 1 grant per Lions year.

To apply online, please click here to complete the online form.

Ed & Erma Uecker Advised Endowment


  1. To assist the visual impaired of St. Joseph County Indiana.
  2. To assist local Lions clubs of St. Joseph County in collecting eye glasses for distribution on mission trips.
  3. To provide funds to local Lions clubs of St. Joseph County to provide student scholarships to special camps and activities to qualified persons.
  4. To provide local Lions clubs of St. Joseph County in providing assistance to qualified persons with medical needs.
  5. Funds to be used in the state of Indiana and of St. Joseph County, and that they be used exclusively for the benefit of persons designated herein.

To apply online, please click here to complete the online form.

Leadership Development Advised Endowment


  1. To assist in leadership training and development of Lions in Indiana, Multiple District 25.
  2. All applications for distribution need to be processed through the Multiple District 25 Leadership committee.
  3. Distributions not to be given to an individual Lion member for training.
  4. Approval needs to be by the Global Leadership Team Coordinator.
  5. Final approval by Indiana Lions Foundation Endowment Grants/Fund Committee.

To apply online, please click here to complete the online form.

PDG James and Alice Hall Advised Endowment

Per agreement drawn and signed by the Halls October 18, 1999.

Advisement for distribution:

  1. Thirty (30%) percent thereof to be distributed with the advise of the Leadership Committee of the Lions of Multiple District 25.
  2. Thirty (30%) percent thereof added to the Grants Fund of the Indiana Lions Foundation.
  3. Thirty (30%) percent thereof to be added back to the historic cash value of this fund.
  4. Ten (10%) percent thereof into a fund for the maintenance, decoration and improvement of the Indiana State Office Building.

Distributions to be made annually on investment gains per Lions fiscal year. No distributions can be made when investment loses per Lions fiscal year. Historic value is always restored first before gains are distributed if there was a loss the prior year.